If you are looking for fun, creative or cost effective ways to entertain the kids, a Scavenger Hunt definitely checks those boxes. Strolling through the neighborhood is a good way to get the kids out of the house with a quarantine-friendly entertained, while maintaining #socialdistancing!
Since I know that you’re probably ready to pull your hair out and it’s only noon, print out this neighborhood photo scavenger hunt and get ready to go exploring with your kids. A fun neighborhood scavenger hunt is a great outdoor activity for kids, especially if you don’t want to pile them all in the car and leave the house.
I’m sharing below a photography scavenger hunt list I created for my daughter, who’s 10, to make our morning walks more interesting. Feel free to save and print out the list and take your kids out for some fresh air fun!
To get started, you’ll need a smartphone or camera, a pen or pencil, and the scavenger hunt list.
Have fun discovering all the ins and outs of your community!